Three Tricks To Cooking An Old Fashioned Dinner That Will Impress Grandma

For some people, one of the steps towards proving your adulthood is being able to prepare a good meal. If you want to invite your grandma over to your home and impress her with your cooking skills, you don't have to go about this the long way. Here are three tricks you can use to cook a meal that your grandma will find impressive. 

Order a smoked ham

If you want to cook a huge meal, you will need a huge main course. Order an old-fashioned smoked ham to be the centerpiece of your meal. The smoked ham will come with everything needed for the ham to be flavorful. The only requirement from you will be to put the ham inside of a roasting pan. If you want to have a brown sugar or honey glazed ham, you can brush the glaze on the outside of the ham as it is cooking. The ham can be left to cook for about two hours or slightly longer depending on the size, which gives you time to make the rest of the food. 

Get updated dessert tools

The secret to cooking a great cake is not in the cake itself but in the tools. You can get a cheap box of cake mix and an inexpensive jar of frosting but create a beautiful cake. Invest in cake decorating tools, including a cake shaper for baking the perfect shaped cake. The most important tools will be the icing spreader and icing tips. This will allow you to add the beautiful edge designs and writing to your cake that you see in professional cake shops. Purchase a cake decorating set to put a beautiful frosting trim on the cake that you will be serving for dinner. 

Fix baked sides

Some sides, such as stir fry, are labor intensive, while other sides are easy to bake. Select baked sides that will only require a little bit of labor, such a chopping or stirring a few times. Baked macaroni and cheese will require you to heat or mix the ingredients for just a few minutes before you put it inside of a dish to bake. Cook baked sides, such as baked dressing, macaroni and cheese, and roasted potatoes and vegetables will make it easy to prepare your food. All you will be required to do is the preparation, then watch for the signs that the dish is complete once in the oven. This also gives you plenty of time to clean the kitchen and set the table before grandma arrives. 

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The Importance Of Food Services For Businesses

If you need reliable information about food suppliers, this blog can help you get the answers you need. Food suppliers are an essential component of restaurants, hotels and other facilities that serve food. My name is Rebecca Morrison and I became interested in food service companies when my best friend bought a restaurant. I helped her get everything ready for opening day and communicating with food service companies was very enjoyable and a learning experience for me. By helping out my friend, I learned a lot of information about companies that supply food to restaurants and other businesses. To inform others about this essential service, I wanted to write this blog. I hope that reading my articles about food services will also expand your knowledge.


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